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Have you seen this?

I'm curious has anyone has ever seen this tattoo before?

I know there is at least one duplicate existing in Las Vegas, where I got it at back in 1997. Although I do believe the shop is long gone now (it had been on Spring Mountain Road prior to the evolution that has become China Town.)

As much as I would love more tats, Ruben says absolutely not. I have 5: a rose on my R shoulder, a rose on my L ankle, a band of roses around my R ankle, a custom tribal band around my R arm, and this piece shown here on my L shoulder.
I was interested in getting a skull/heart/wing tattoo on the back of my neck, but he doesn't like the idea. I'm also interested in getting a small nose piercing too, but he doesn't like that idea either. He won't let my wild streak shine through. No more purple highlights in my hair (or any other odd color for the matter!), no more piercings of the tongue, eyebrow, belly button or nose. So my last resort is possibly re-doing this tattoo, and have it designed into something else. I was hoping for something like a deserted island with a palm tree, and something other than a frog sitting below it. Of course I have to find an artist that CAN do it, and make it look good - which may not be an easy task....and then once I find someone I have to sell Ruben on letting me do it. He thinks I am going through all these "urges" cause my youth is slipping away - I just turned 34! But I've always been a wild child. It just so happens I married a straight laced man who has never smoked, doesn't have tats, and has never had a piercing. Go figure. Guess opposites do attract.

But you're probably wondering why a frog when I have practically a rose garden. It was one of those drunken stupors. Went with a friend to get Calvin & Hobbes or Snoopy & Woodstock. When we couldn't find those, I jokingly said well what about this - pointing to a drawing on the wall next to me. I figured it fitting, since at that time Bud was big on promoting the frogs in their adds. Next thing I know we both walked out with frogs.

I think of all my tats, my favorite piece is my tribal armband. I got it just days before Ruben and I went on our big, first "real" date - we were both so nervous we had another couple, Lora & Karl escort us. That was on 2/27/99, almost 9 years ago. We had gone out before as friends, lots - and flirted for about 6 to 9 months - but that was the day I let my walls come down and gave my heart to him. Maybe that's why this tribal is so special to me, cause I associate it with that day.
The roses you may ask, why so many. To be truthful each one is special in it's own way - all picked out by people who are gone now. But the weird thing is I'm not a "huge" rose person, I actually LOVE tulips, weird huh?

I see spell check is still not working! Surprise, surprise, argh!!!

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